Sipping Vinegars
The recorded history of vinegar dates back to 5000BC when the Babylonians and Egyptians used fermented vinegar to make wine. Somewhere around 2500BC, an ancient nomadic tribe created a soured apple wine, the great great great great grandmother of apple cider vinegar. The soured apple wine recipe was handed down to the Greeks and Romans and apple cider vinegar was a by-product of these soured apple wines.
For literally thousands of years, people have been using ACV medicinally for a variety of ailments, including, to name a few, mushroom poisoning, dandruff and for toothache. During the US Civil War and World War I ACV was used to treat wounds on the battle field. It is purported that Japanese Samurai warriors drank it for strength and power. Diluted apple cider vinegar was consumed by ancient Persians to prevent the accumulation of fatty tissue in the body. Vinegar has been used to preserve food for thousands of years.
Vinegar’s main property is its acidity. According to several natural-health sources, ACV contains Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, acetic acid, propionic acid, lactic acid, enzymes, amino acids, potash, and apple pectin. It also contains the minerals and trace elements potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, sodium, copper, and iron.
It is said that sipping ACV only gained popularity within the last 50 years or so. ACV is likely most popular as a possible weight-loss aid. A tablespoon a day taken before meals, some claim, will help to curb appetite and increase metabolism. Researchers has also been done to confirm claims about ACV’s benefits for diabetes, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, heart health, and fighting cancer. While the clinical research is still young, it does show promise.
Quoting directly from Less researched is the alkaline-acid theory. Some in the alternative-health sphere believe that most ailments—especially inflammatory diseases like diabetes, arthritis, and allergies—are caused by bodily pH levels that are too low. The way to correct that imbalance, according to the theory, is to replace grains, meat, and dairy products (all acidic foods) with a plant-based diet and to consume ACV daily. It seems counterintuitive—combat acidity with an acid? But believers in the alkaline-acid theory argue that ACV, alone among the vinegars, has an alkalizing effect on the body, making it an effective cure for everything from the common cold to clinical depression.
BooYAH! recommends, as with all supplements, you should ask your doctor before beginning to take ACV.
[Above research assisted by and]